14 Sites to Promote Your Blog Posts for Free to Generate Massive Traffic

So, you just wrote your first blog post, or you’ve been writing blog posts for quite a while now, but no one reads them. Doesn’t it sound similar to your situation right now? If yes, then you’re at the right place (I mean post).

In this post, I’ll share with you 14 different sites where you can share your blogs for absolutely free that can drive traffic to them starting from today itself.

Why Promote Your Blog?

A blog post is like a product that is ready to sell. The product is ready, but you don’t have a single customer to buy it. So, to find customers for your product, you need to advertise it. You need to tell people, “Hey, I have this product XXX that can help you with this or that.” Then only people will know about it, and if they find it useful or entertaining, they will buy it. As simple as that. This same thing happens to your blog as well. After you finish writing your blog post, your product is ready, but you don’t have a single person to buy (read) it. And to solve this problem, you need to advertise it. 

By promoting your blog, you’ll get some initial readers to it, and those readers will read and engage with your blog, which will give Google a positive response regarding your blog, and in exchange, Google will start showing your blog on search results to help you reach even more readers (people). 

And the most important thing is that when you start getting readers on your blog, you can start making money as well.

14 Sites to Promote Your Blog Posts for Free

NOTE: Don’t think that you’ll get millions of traffic overnight by sharing your blog posts on these sites, but if you write quality blogs and keep sharing them consistently, you’ll definitely get a good amount of traffic over time.

1. Medium

Medium is a popular publishing platform that allows users to write and share articles. You can write articles on Medium just like you do on WordPress.

You can copy-paste the same article you wrote on your WordPress blog to Medium and link your blog posts in between the article using anchor text (clickable text) to redirect traffic to your actual blog.

If you think the above method of redirecting traffic from medium articles to your actual blog may not work for you, then you can grow an email list with the help of Medium, and later on you can promote your blog posts via email. (More about promoting blog posts using email is coming down below in this same article.) 

2. Linkedln

LinkedIn is a networking platform mainly used by professionals, high-profile individuals, CEOs, business owners, influencers, etc.

So, if you have a blog related to money, business, or education, then LinkedIn can be the best platform to share your blogs and get traffic. 

You can create a short post on LinkedIn related to your blog topic that can be genuinely helpful to your audience and share the link to your blog post along with it.

3. Reddit

Reddit is an online community where people talk about their hobbies and interests and participate in discussions.

Reddit consists of several individual communities focused on specific topics or a particular niche called subreddits. 

You can join multiple subreddits in your niche and start promoting your blog posts in them. 

People are constantly asking different types of questions in subreddits, so you can answer those questions and promote your blog posts in your answer.

4. Quora

Quora is the biggest question and answer (Q&A) site in the world where users can ask questions and receive answers from other users.

You can find questions related to nearly every topic on Quora from people all around the world. So, you can find questions related to your niche, answer them, and promote your blog posts in those answers.

Here’s a simple but effective way to promote your blogs on Quora. Whenever you’re answering a question, answer 50% of the question on Quora and tell them to visit your blog to find the remaining 50% answer. This trick works like magic to get traffic from Quora to your blog. (Telling you from my own experience.)

5. Twitter

X, formerly known as Twitter, is one of the most used social media apps in the world.

You can share useful information on Twitter and incorporate your blog post’s links with it.

You can use hastags in your tweets to reach a specific group of people. This makes reaching your target audience much easier and faster.

Tweet and retweet relevant posts regularly to gain more followers and reach even more people.

6. Facebook

Facebook is the largest social media app in the world, with over 3 billion monthly users.

You can promote your blog posts on Facebook through either your own personal profile, a Facebook page, or a Facebook group. Out of these three, Facebook groups work the best to drive traffic to your blog. 

You can create or join Facebook groups in your niche and start sharing your blogs in it.

Or you can create a Facebook page, grow it, and promote your blog posts to its audience. This (facebook page) method takes some time, but the constant flow of traffic you can get with this method makes that wait worth it.

7. Pinterest

Pinterest is probably the best site to drive traffic to your blogs for free. Pinterest is a visual search engine with over 500 million monthly users that is constantly growing. 

You can share, save, and discover different types of content on Pinterest. 

You can post images (pins) on Pinterest with an external link attached to it. The link can be of anything: a blog post’s link, an affiliate product link, a YouTube video link, etc. 

Posting catchy and unique designs to promote your blog posts on Pinterest is the best way to get traffic to your blog.

8. Tumblr

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to post and share content in the form of text, image, audio, video, etc. 

You can write short blog posts on Tumblr and promote your actual blog posts with it. You can use anchor text to redirect traffic from Tumblr to your actual blog. 

You can even join communities on Tumblr related to your niche to promote your blog.

9. YouTube

YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing platform and the second largest search engine after Google. Youtube has nearly 2.5 billion monthly active users. 

You can create videos to promote your blog posts. You can add your blog post’s link in the YouTube video description and the about section of your YouTube channel. 

The only drawback about YouTube is that you need to invest a little more time to create content for it compared to other platforms, but the best part is, you can even monetise your YouTube channel and make money with it.

10. Email list

You can build an email list by offering freebies to your audience and making them subscribe to your email list in exchange for that freebie. 

You can offer them pdf’s, checklists, pre-made templates of some sort, and much more in exchange for their emails. 

You can send weekly emails to your email list to inform them about your recent and trending blog posts. This can be the best way to get some good amount of traffic to your blog on a regular basis.

11. TikTok

In recent times, TikTok has become the most used and most engaged social media platform on earth. Billions of people use it every month. 

You can add your blog post’s url in your TikTok profile’s description (bio) after you reach 1000 followers on your account. You can create content that can redirect people towards your blog. 

No one talks about this method, as it is not as easy as it sounds, but if done with a proper plan and strategy, you can generate millions of traffic to your blog every month using TikTok.

12. Another Blog

If you have multiple blogs in the same niche, you can cross-promote them to grow. But if you don’t have multiple blogs, then you can collaborate with other bloggers in your same niche and promote each other’s blogs.

In the beginning, bloggers with more traffic may not accept your request to collaborate, but you can easily find and collaborate with bloggers having the same amount of traffic as yours. There is a higher chance of them accepting your collaboration request, as the collaboration will help them grow their blog as well. 

You can send them an email or reach them through their social media handles to ask them to collaborate.

13. Instagram

Instagram is the most used platform among youngsters. So, if your target audience is someone from age 16-35, then Instagram might be the best platform to promote your blog.

You can create a business account on Instagram and add your blog’s url in the profile description (bio) of your account. 

If you have 10,000 or more followers on Instagram, then you can add a swipe-up link to your stories. This method works the best to promote blog posts, in my opinion.

14. Online Forums and Communities

There are thousands of online groups on the internet related to nearly every niche possible. So, you can find and join such groups that are active and comprised of actual people (not bots) and start sharing your posts in them.

This can be beneficial for you not just to grow your blog but to learn new things as well.

Such groups can have highly experienced and professional people related to your niche, and from them you can learn a lot.

Other than these 14 sites, you can also share your blog posts on Flipboard, Bloglovin’, and Discord. I haven’t used these sites myself, so I don’t have much knowledge regarding them. But you can try them out for yourself. Who knows, these sites may come out as the biggest contributor to your blog traffic.

At last, I would like to say, be consistent on all these sites, don’t spam, and be genuine. It may take some time to get traffic from them, but that wait will be worth it.

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